Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How Solea is Transforming Dentistry
Laser dentistry has been around for many years, yet the Solea laser represents a major breakthrough in dentistry. For many years patients have disliked having dental work due to the shots, the drill sound, vibration and being numb for hours after having treatment. With Solea we are able to treat 98% of fillings without the need for the shot or numbness. The best part is being comfortable while avoiding the negative parts of the procedure.

Solea Lasers in Dental Procedures
The laser basically replaces the drill for most fillings or cosmetic bonding. Occasionally the same technology can be used for crowns, veneers or onlays.

The laser uses a tip that is able to wash away the damage in the tooth structure in a very comfortable and controlled manner. Because it has a selective attraction to unhealthy tooth, Solea allows me to be even more conservative and precise that I have ever been able to be with a drill.
Gum treatments and minor surgeries using the Solea allow me to keep patients more comfortable during and after the procedure. We can treat cold sores, lichen planus, lumps on the tongue, tongue or lip ties, and manage tissue around dental implants.

Benefits of Solea Lasers
Dental procedures can often be complex, take a long period of time for healing, or require multiple appointments. With Solea soft tissue lasers, however, these complications may be eliminated.
Solea lasers are able to offer anesthesia-free and comfortable care for most dental procedures.

Benefits include:
-          Less need for needles or shots
-          Less vibration from the drill
-          Less noise of the dental drill
-         More dentistry in fewer visits
-          Children can have work without the need for sedation
-          When used for gum tissue, less bleeding, more comfortable and faster healing.

Patients who feel anxious about certain dental procedures or visiting a dentist in general can feel at ease when Solea lasers are involved.

Contact our Scottsdale Laser Dentist Today!

The team at Aesthetic Dentistry of Scottsdale knows first-hand the transformative results that occur when using the Solea laser. Our office serves as a national training center for other dentists who adopt the Solea laser technology.  For any of your cosmetic, restorative, dental implant, gum treatment or most other aspects of dentistry, we can provide a pain free, anesthetic free, and efficient option through Solea. 

Contact our Scottsdale, AZ dental practice to learn more about how the Solea laser can change what it means to go to the dentist. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Advantages of Sleep Apnea Oral Devices

Being able to sleep restfully depends on your ability to breathe easily and without interruption. For countless children and adults however, sleep apnea prevents them from achieving the full night’s rest they need to be productive, healthy, and happy. With so many treatment options available, there are several important factors that go into choosing which solution works best for you.

What is Sleep Apnea?

For individuals with obstructive sleep apnea, soft tissue at the back of the throat collapses, preventing air from entering and exiting the lungs. This causes pauses in breathing and leads to characteristic snoring or choking sounds. This unconscious act of attempting to restore breathing wakes patients form deep sleep, which leads to day time fatigue.

Sleep Apnea Treatments 

Traditionally, CPAP therapy has been considered the gold standard for treating sleep apnea. However, discomfort wearing the mask leads many patients to inconsistently use treatment. This does not alleviate the breathing condition and leaves patients vulnerable to other health complications associated with sleep apnea. For these individuals, oral appliances may better encourage compliance and alleviate the causes of sleep apnea.

Similar in size and shape to an orthodontic retainer, oral appliances are custom-fit mouthpieces recommended by a dentist. These devices are designed to gradually push the lower jaw into the proper position, preventing soft tissue collapse overnight and allowing patients to breathe without interruption.

Given their small, mobile, and custom fit, oral appliances present an easy-to-wear, comfortable alternative to CPAP machines. As the device is compact, patients who use oral appliances are also able to sleep comfortably. Additionally, treatment is flexible – if for any reason your oral device does not provide the relief you need, you are able to try other treatment options or combine CPAP with an oral appliance for a multi-angle solution to severe sleep apnea.

If you have any questions about sleep apnea, its treatments and their advantages, contact Aesthetic Dentistry of Scottsdale. We offer sleep apnea treatment options to patients from Scottsdale and the surrounding Phoenix communities of Fountain Hills, Carefree, and Cave Creek. Call Dr. Michael Kelly today to learn more about the best sleep apnea treatment option for you.